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Enhance Your Workout

The Most Important Muscles for Playing Baseball

Baseball is a very dynamic sport with lots of throwing, acceleration, and reaction. Each action on the baseball field, whether throwing the ball or swinging the bat, utilizes a muscular chain reaction from your lower body, to your core, to your upper body. 

What Muscles Are Important for Playing Baseball?

Since baseball requires full body strength, there are 4 main muscle groups that are important for preventing injury and enhancing performance


Core strength in your abs, obliques, and spine is a vital component for being a successful baseball player.

The twisting action of swinging a baseball bat and throwing a ball with high-velocity requires a strong midsection, but it’s also important to have good flexibility to achieve maximum force. 


Your legs are the foundation of your power. To flourish in baseball, you want both a powerful swing and a powerful throw, and it all starts with your legs. The ability of your hips to rotate with speed and efficiency is crucial to finding success as a hitter and a fielded or pitcher.

Hip rotation requires your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps muscles to all work in unison without any weak links.


Shoulders also endure a lot of stress in baseball, especially if you’re a pitcher or outfielder. For pitchers, throwing at 100 MPH demands a high level of shoulder strength and mobility. For outfielders (and infielders to a lesser degree), the long-distance throws necessitate good shoulder health. 


Forearms can be a neglected muscle group, but are actually very important. The grip of a baseball bat or ball activates your forearm muscles and is heavily used when throwing or swinging. 

How to Train These Muscle Groups

Training these muscle groups requires a solid combination of strength and mobility that can put you in the best position to be a successful baseball player.

Training Core

Plank exercises are a great way to train your core. Instead of doing a static hold without movement, try moving your feet, hips, or arms into different positions to put varying loads on your abdominals and spine.

Baseball has a lot of twisting actions, so utilizing the same twisting actions in your training can be beneficial.

Training Legs

Whether hitting or fielding, baseball players move in 3 different planes of movement - forward/backward, side/side, and rotation. Thus, when training legs, lunges, squats, and deadlifts should all include movements in these 3 planes of motion.

For example, combine standard forward lunges, with lateral lunges, which will put more emphasis on the groin and outside hip.

Training Shoulders

Shoulder strength is important with a weight training program, but it’s important to train shoulders with mobility exercises to prevent tightness. A mobility system called CARS (controlled articular rotations) is especially helpful to maintain shoulder integrity. You can also do yoga to enhance the range of motion in your shoulders.

Training Forearms

Forearms also need a solid balance of strength and mobility. Strengthening both the forearm flexors and extensors with dumbbell weight exercises or pushups (try different hand positions to increase the load on your forearms at different angles), while also focusing on mobility with wrist and elbow CARS will keep your forearms strong and prevent injuries such as pitcher’s elbow.

For all of these muscle groups, you can also use various stretches to increase your range of motion. Since softball and baseball players use very common muscle groups, it's wise to incorporate some stretches softball players use, especially for the lower body.

Do Pitchers Need Strong Legs?

The idea that a pitcher primarily uses upper body to pitch is false, as the legs are the base for the whole pitch sequence.

Capture any image of a pitcher’s finishing leg position, and you’ll find them in a lunge position, with their back leg in deep hip rotation and hip extension to maximize the speed of the pitch.

Strong legs from a sport-specific training program is not just highly recommended, but and indispensable part of thriving as a baseball pitcher.

Train Your Muscles to Play Baseball Today 

Do you want to enhance your baseball performance and prevent injury? Don’t neglect the muscles responsible for helping keep you in peak condition. Train your muscles the right away and you’ll be on the path towards baseball success!